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Partner Patent Attorney
Kim Hyun Partner Patent Attorney
Partner Patent Attorney
Yoon Suk-in Partner Patent Attorney
1420, 311, Gangnam-daero,
Seocho-gu, Seoul,
Republic of Korea
Kim Hyun
Partner Patent AttorneyPatent attorney Kim Hyun started his career in 2004 and has been handling various contract businesses related to application/judgement/lawsuit and standard essential patent (VESA) as an attorney for a number of companies and universities, joining ECM Patent Law Office in 2021. Based on his work experience in taking the lead in R&D at a major company’s research institute, dealing with inspection/judgement/lawsuit as a senior examiner/litigation solicitor, and leading most of the disputes against global companies and big law firms to success as a patent attorney, he provides professional services with regard to application / judgement / lawsuit, design-arounds, appraisal of infringement, and licensing agreement in a variety of fields such as machinery/secondary battery/electronic components.
Obtained a doctor’s degree in engineering from Korea University Graduate School (mechanical engineering) (1993)